Prescription Policy

Items with an Rx prescription icon on a MEDICAL MONKS™ product page require a prescription. The icon looks like this:

Requires a prescription

1. Medical Monks will ask you to read and agree to the conditions for placing an order with a “prescription required” when attempting to Proceed to Checkout from your Cart.  We ask that you please read these conditions carefully before proceeding (click here to view).  If you have a valid prescription available at this time, you may upload it before proceeding to checkout.
2. Customer orders will be shipped with or without a valid prescription on file.  We only ask that you are able to provide a valid prescription for the Rx item(s) you would like to purchase in the event we require one from you.
3. If your prescription is on file with Medical Monks, it is your responsibility to ensure that it is valid for your orders. Valid meaning; 1) the Rx has not expired 2) the Rx was written for supplies representative of the items in your Cart.
4. Customers can provide a copy of an Rx to MEDICAL MONKS by either:
  • Attaching a copy of the Rx to the order when you are prompted prior to check-out (this is the preferred method)
  • Sending a copy of the Rx via email to
  • Taking a picture of your Rx using your smartphone and texting it to 614-636-6658
  • Faxing a copy of your Rx to 844-859-6188
  • Calling us at 844-859-9400 and directing us to contact your prescribing physician to obtain a copy of the Rx
5. We do not accept prescriptions via regular mail.
6. We will keep a copy of the Rx on file until the Rx is out of date.
7. Professionally Licensed Institutions can buy prescription products from MEDICAL MONKS without a prescription. Please call MEDICAL MONKS at 844-859-9400 if you are a Professionally Licensed Institution and interested in buying prescription products.
8. Prescription Policy questions can be directed to